Thursday, September 2, 2010

Book Benches

Square Gabriel Pierné
Paris, July 2010
(Photo by Trillian, Livorno Daily Photo)


Jim said...

I like their design and I like the perspective of this shot.

Lowell said...

Okay...these represent books opened in the middle of their spines sitting on other books. There must be a reason for it. Was Gabriel a writer?

cieldequimper said...

If I were to read, I'd still rather have a back to lean on.

joo said...

They look lovely, but I agree with Ciel:)

Cezar and Léia said...

What a fabulous and creative idea, I loved this bench!

Francisca said...

How totally clever... yet I'm with Ciel... prefer benches with backs.

Halcyon said...

Very original! But yes, not too comfy for a long stay.

tapirgal said...

Completely unique. Nice shot, too.